Monday, June 9, 2014

June 2, 2014 Week 47‏

I am going to have a baby!
Yeah so I got a call from the assistants this past week saying that I will be training this next transfer!  yep and I won't be training a guero! 
Well I guess I could be training a guero but I am training a Spanish Elder!!! woooo!  There are only 3 elders coming out this transfer and they are all Spanish!  So it looks like it is a go to get some Hispanic work done in Purcell!!  President wrote me today saying to start teaching them and get them to church!!! I am pretty excited to do both Spanish and English work!  In this coming week I am going to try and find a few Spanish potentials so we can start teaching them once the Greenie comes!  I am excited to be a trainer and get somewhat in the Spanish groove!

Well this week was alright we had some good fun!  Yesterday we talked to two crazy people one of them was a disciple-- I think he thought that he was John... we were just riding our bikes and stopped to go visit a investigator and this guy walked up from behind us and said "LADR DY SAINTS" yeah he was drunk... I think he put booze into a root beer can so then NO ONE WILL KNOW THAT HE IS DRINKING haha it doesn't matter that he is walking in zig zags down the street! ahh this is what we have to deal with every day!  but hey it isn't every day that you get to talk to John!  The first question he asked us is what we thought of Jehovah Witnesses... haha that question is in the top 5 MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and I don't know why!  But after talking to "JOHN"  we went and tried a less active family.  They didn't answer but when we were walking back to our bikes we saw this man walking down the street with a massive parrot on his arm that was screaming..... well of course we are going to go talk to him!  This is missionary entertainment!  Well it turns out the quy is crazy (we weren't expecting him to be all there but hey you have to talk to everyone!) After introducing ourselves to the bird and receiving a wave from it we talked to the guy.  We gave him a card and told him to go to the website if he is ever curious... he then told us that he only watches parrots talk on YouTube if he ever is in on the internet... so we left... we visited a less active after that and he said that he knows the parrot man too... I think that he would be compared to Bryan! (Bryan rides his bike around our community collecting mens shirts/shoelaces--from the garbage cans etc--our community would not be the same with out Bryan)


luckily not everyone is crazy here!

We visited with a ton of less actives this week!!  We found one in Purcell and on her records it said that she was dead...  well she isn't dead!  But she was able to go to church for the first time in more then 20 years!!!  I don't know what is better to see! Less actives going back to church or investigators!!? they are both very cool to see but are very different!  But I love working with less actives!  They can never think of a good excuse on why they stopped coming to church and all of them will never deny the book of mormon!!  We backed one up to the wall this week he said that he has lots of questions about the church so we asked him," do you deny or accept the book of mormon?" BOOM they cant do it!!  the power of The Book of Mormon is crazy!!! I can only imagine how missionaries of other religions feel!!! haha 

WELL HAVE TO GO but love y'all and have a good week

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