Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 11, 2014 Week 57

--Bro. Fishburn

This week was great we had a fun time!  As you can see from the pictures I forgot about my goal a couple of times and had to take some random shots.  We had a good week this week though. 

I think we had the shortest investigator in Purcell history this past week...We found him last Sunday taught the restoration, then the plan of salvation on Tuesday and then dropped on Friday it was crazy! He was a nice guy but I guess it wasn't what he was looking for... probably too hard. ehhh if only they knew it is actually easier to LIVE when you are in the true church and obeying the commandments!  We had a member bear his testimony on that last week... he lived the party life before he was a member and he talked about how he never felt happy!  Maybe that will be a new finding technique, "do you want to live an easier life"... we will try it out this week!

Church yesterday was mas o menos.. We had an investigator come Doyle Springs we have been teaching him and his wife for a while.  His wife was a member of the church and is trying to come back! Luckily they only stayed for sacrament meeting!  Our ward mission leader taught gospel principles and it was terrible... he bashed on the class and was calling our recent converts on things they were doing wrong... luckily the Hoffman's didn't show up! Luckily the buffering spirit was there! One of the recent converts told us after that she didn't even understand what happened in Gospel Principles... and she got called out in it! miracle

So we had exchanges this week and I went up to Blanchard...well first problem …  for lunch we had Chinese food ... second we forgot the phone in the car(of the new castle area... third we got dropped off in a neighborhood 14 miles away from the apartment.  We thought we were saved when we had a less active member stop by and ask if we needed anything.  We used his phone and the other Elders didn't answer... so we told him that they would probably be there soon... well we were deceived.  So we started walking down the highway haha we were getting honks and screams! GOT TO LOVE IT IN THE BIBLE BELT!  But a member stopped and picked us up after 2 miles! haha we probably would have gotten to our apartment around 10! miracle

We have been doing some fun less active work.  Yesterday we visited one family who is having a lot of troubles in going to church and in obeying commandments.  Well let's just say I got a cup of ice dumped (it was 'cold') on me on purpose and Elder Taggart got paralleled to Satan.  So after that it was rebuking time, but we leave that to the holy ghost!  We told them that we were there to give them a commitment and that commitments are commandments!  She disagreed, I told her to go look at Preach My Gospel...silence... we continued.  Our commitment for them was to set up a family Scripture study/prayer every night.  

So this sister found a good scripture found in moroni 7:16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every manthat he may know good from evil; wherefore, show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with perfect knowledge it is of God.

She then asked her daughter what were some evil things in the world these days… she responded, "smoking" (this less active member has been having a hard time with the word of wisdom and hearing that from her daughter was probably the best thing that could have helped her!). We then testified that is why he have family scripture study.  We truly learn more in the home then in any other place!  It was great! 

So y'all make sure you are doing your family scripture studies!  I feel like a hypocrite for saying that but... it is true! I was rebuked about it the same time that our less active was! That is the great thing about missions! 

Something that stood out to me was the story of Peter and Cornelius. Cornelius was visited by a angel to visit with Peter. Peter had a vision to seek out Cornelius. The account ends with the baptism of Cornelius.  This displays the principle of looking for the elect and the elect looking for us. I know when we are led by the spirit nothing can stop this from happening... whether it be tracting a house or asking a member for a referral, it is all done by the spirit!

Well I hope yall have a good week! 




Elder Favilia doing my journal

Elder Taggart-Pday Planning

Problems in Purcell


Redneck dryer


OKC Temple with Zone

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