Monday, November 17, 2014

November 10, 2014 Week 70

Hey ya'll!
 Sounds like you had a great week!  That is awesome that Joel was able to experience a championship game!  
I still have my hoof so they don't need to worry about that! It is hard though having an effective workout with such limited time! (hoof = tricep muscle)
What is up comoco being a woman what the heck?! I saw a kid playing clash of clans the other day, it made me laugh! (Comoco=woman in Fin Clan of Clash of Clans, Doug and I met her and her husband for dinner last week when we were in Las Vegas. )

The work is going great here! 
You asked how many less active we have found in the Wichita Falls ward... well a ton! We don't have an exact number! 
But less active story for the week. 
So we have every single person who is on the ward roster punched into the gps, this is super helpful when we have some free time.  No matter where we are in our area we are close to at least 3 or 4 less actives.  We have not gone 'tracting' once this transfer.  
But back to the story, we were driving around last night and it was 8:45... and everyone who has served a mission knows that 8:45 can be a rough time, just because it is 15 minutes before we can go in.  
But Elder Barrett was inspired to see one of the less actives that we haven't visited.  
So we go over to this persons house and they dont answer--hijole. 
As we were walking to the car the door opened! 
We then ran up to the door and were able to meet this man and set up an appointment for next week.  
We didn't think much about it.  
But that night we were talking to the other missionaries in our district and they told us that that night a member told them to visit the less active man we just saw!! it was crazy! 
We talked and the time that we decided to go see them was the same time they were talking to the member! 
I don't know why 2 people felt like this person needed a visit. But I am sure we will find out this week! 
I guess he used be a member of the bishopric and hasn't been to church for 5+ years! It should be a fun one!! LA work is the best! 
WE are having a baptism this week for Monica McCawly so keep her in your prayers! 
I am now 2 for 2 in getting pulled over and getting away clean!  We were driving down the street and all of the sudden it happened blue and red everywhere! 
We pulled into a street and usual.  Well the officer got out of his car and phoned in for back up... I guess a Chevy Cruz with no tint and a picture of Jesus looked pretty suspicious! Ha he even pulled out his flashlight and was looking into our car (we did have those giant pixie stixs in the back, maybe he thought it was cocaine...).  But it ended up we didn't have our lights on! 
I guess before we were making a phone call and the call was a little lengthy so I turned off the lights and then forgot to turn them on...
But I have gotten away from the Oklahoma and THE GReat Texas police... but not the Sandy police. I guess that shows who has charity haha no, it probably helps being dressed as a missionary (they just look at us and think "well they are already going to hell, might as well give um a break') ahh good times! 

I studied in 2 nephi 26:22"...yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever." 
This is a great parallel to the power of the adversary and how he works. I have seen this in my life as the adversary has tried to place this little 'flaxen cords' in front of me.  I have seen how those small cords, which initially could be broken easy, turn into powerful cords capable of bearing much tension.
So lets break them strands before they turn into rope!

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