Monday, October 6, 2014

September 29, 2014 Week 64

Uhhh man I am really jealous of the weather y'all are having right now!  It seems like it should be in the 70's in the morning but then we go outside and it is 90!  I am trunky for some Fall weather! It is coming but not fast enough! We call this number on the phone 'tell me' and that is how we get the weather! Well this week I just had to see what the weather was like back in the Ole Sandy... 60's and 70's...lucky! I also saw that it was raining almost every day! Share the love!
We had a sweet lesson this week! It was with Bro Craig(he has been investigating the church for a long time, but hasn't been progressing!--imagine a 60 year old white Indian Thor) We had a church tour with him and it was crazy! This was actually my first church tour of the mission that has worked! It started pretty normal. we took him around the whole church and ended with the chapel...  before we went into the chapel we told him of the sacred nature of the chapel and what goes on in there!  Right when we went into the chapel it was a game changer! The spirit just whacked us all in the face! We went into the front and sat on the front benches.  This is when it gets crazy... we asked him if he had thought about being baptized.  He told us he thinks about it every day! We asked him if he was ready...there was  a very long pause and he told us about how he needs to do some things before he will be ready to be baptized.  He talked about how he can't forgive himself for some things that he had done in the past

Brother Craig was feeling true Godly sorrow! It came to the point where we all felt that we were just distracting him and hindering him from feeling the spirit.  We told him that we would leave him in the chapel to ponder and pray! That was the first time in my mission that the spirit told me to leave an investigator in a middle of a lesson! It was crazy! so we left him in the chapel and went to the foyer... those were probably the longest 5 minutes of my life! HE came out, he talked a little bit and we left with a prayer!  I don't know what he felt, but I do know that he felt the spirit!  Church tours are the best! We don't have to invite the spirit into a church.  It is already there! BOOOM  

1 hour latter...
We were bashing with a recent convert who said that he isn't coming back to church!...RETENTION!!! ehhhhh it is so annoying! i guess that is what happens when people get baptized for the wrong reasons!  We were talking to him at golden corral for 2 hours... at least we were at golden corral haha. some people have the weirdest beliefs! The trinity, faith without works and the rapture! it is all crap... the great apostasy is testified to me everyday serving here in the south!

WELLL have to run have a great week!
love ya

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